Mazurka - remaking Chopin

About the project:

A re-interpretation of Frédéric Chopin's Mazurkas, spanning a wide array of styles.

In Asheim and the Gjertrud Gypsy Orchestra’s remake, the original piano versions drift in and out of the music, into full-blood Gypsy or Balkan-sounding parts, exploring the expressive potential of Chopin’s beautiful tunes. On the other end of the scale, the music dives into intriguing, experimental contemporary sound effects sometimes sounding like a film score.

The project is available for concerts. 8 musicians are on stage.

The programme is colourful and varied, and therefore suitable for many types of audiences and festivals. It can be presented in different lengths - The full version is a concert of 65 minutes.

The CD Mazurka - remaking Chopin got the Norwegian Spellemannspris in 2010.

Past performances happened in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Poland and Norway.

Read more details on the composition here



Gjertrud’s Gypsy Orchestra

The Orchestra is since 1989 specializing in Eastern European Gypsy Music from Russia, Rumania and, first of all, Hungary. The group have learnt the music directly from Gypsy musicians in Budapest. They have toured all Norway, appeared in radio and TV shows, in a number of festivals and released several CD’s. The Orchestra receives a grant from the Norwegian Cultural Council. The excellent Hungarian musician Ernest Bangó, known from his collaboration with Roby Lakatos, has now replaced Lá́szló Rácz as the group’s cimbalom player.

Musicians of the Gypsy Orchestra:

Gjertrud Økland (violin)
Georg Reiss (clarinet, tárogató)
Tom Karlsrud (accordeon)
Pål Thorstensen (double bass)
Trond Villa (viola)
Helene Waage (cello, celtic harp)
Ernest Bangó (cimbalom)

Nils Henrik Asheim (pianist, composer)

Nils Henrik Asheim is known as one of Norway’s most prolific and acclaimed composers, also as an innovative improviser on the organ and piano. He appeared in public as a composer for the first time at the age of 15. In 1978 he was awarded European Broadcasting Union’s Rostrum-prize. He got his education from The National Norwegian Music Academy in Oslo and Sweelinck Conservatory, Amsterdam. His works are performed widely internationally.